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Medical Student Council’s Executive Board serves as the direct liaison between the statewide medical student body and the Office of Medical Student Education (MSE).


Students on the MSC Executives Board are voting members of the MSC. Each executive is elected to serve a one-year term. The executives attend at least three meetings per month: the monthly MSC general meeting, an Executive Board meeting and a Deans meeting. Executives may be called upon to represent the student body at additional meetings and events. Generally, meetings are not held during the summer months.


Any medical student in good standing can run for an MSC executive position. However, the demands of the job typically require an extensive knowledge of the infrastructure of both student government and IU School of Medicine. All interested candidates are encouraged to attend a few MSC general meetings prior to running. Please read below for the particular nuances of each position.

Elections and Transition

Candidates must submit a platform for consideration two weeks prior to the day of election. Any IU School of Medicine student can attend the election meeting and voice his or her opinion about the candidates, although only MSC voting members can vote. On the day of the election, the MSC president will open up each position for election sequentially from president onwards. All candidates for each office will have five minutes to speak on their qualifications and two minutes for questions. Afterward, the voting members make their decision and vote by instant runoff.

Should a class officer or center representative decide to run for an MSC position, he or she must be willing to step down from their current voting position. All students elected to the Executive Board undergo a transition and orientation by outgoing executives.

Current Executive Board

A headshot of Janie Zeh

Janie Zeh

Although not required, the most qualified candidates are:
  • A Phase 1 Year 2 or Phase 2 student at the time of election
  • Previously an MSC Executive, class officer or center rep

  • Represent the MSC in all its affairs
  • Serve as the primary liaison between the student body and Office of Medical Student Education (MSE)
  • Form ad hoc committees
  • Call and preside at MSC meetings
  • Formulate an agenda for MSC meetings
  • Oversee all MSC Executive Council Officer elections
  • Have oversight of MSC members, both elected and appointed
  • Coordinate the monthly Student Leadership/Deans meeting
  • Serve on the Campus Appeals Committee
  • Aid the other MSC Executives in MSC business

Additional Meetings
  • Monthly meetings with the class presidents and an Office of Medical Student Education student affairs dean

Vice President of Leadership
A picture of Manav Patel

Manav Patel

Although not required, the most qualified candidates are:
  • A Phase 1 Year 2 or Phase 2 student at the time of election

  • Share responsibilities with the president, including representing MSC in its affairs when the president is unavailable
  • Preside at MSC meetings in the absence of the president
  • Oversee and monitor the class officers, house reps and college leaders
  • Plan and develop Leadership Day in conjunction with the IU School of Medicine Events Coordinator and the IU School of Medicine Alumni Organization
  • Develop a half-day or shorter event for newly elected MSC class leaders to orient students to the responsibilities, communication expectations and leadership expectations of their position
  • Carry out class elections using an MSC-approved account
  • Continue to build upon opportunities for student leadership collaboration with other professional schools
    Aid the other MSC executives in MSC business

Vice President of Committee Affairs
a headshot of Elsie Gasaway

Elsie Gasaway

  • Plan and Execute the annual MSC Interview Day for both the spring and fall semesters
  • Oversee and manage all IU School of Medicine committees, including MSC-appointed, MSE-appointed, Dean-appointed, Wellness and PMC Committees
  • Outline committee descriptions and responsibilities and keep information updated on the MSC website
  • Ensure all committees are following proper reporting protocols to ensure MSC is updated on all current proposals and policy decisions
  • Aid the other MSC executives in MSC business

Additional Meetings
  • Attend IU Indianapolis Registered Student Organization governance meetings if the treasurer is unable to attend

Vice President of Statewide Affairs
quen deckbar in a white coat

Quen Deckbar

  • Work with and oversee the activities of the MSC-recognized Student Interest Groups (SIGs) and statewide “super SIGs”
  • Conduct the annual SIG Orientation, to be held in the early summer
  • Maintain general SIG records, passwords and activities
  • Chair the SIG Accountability Committee
  • Coordinate the SIG approval process
  • Aid the other MSC executives in MSC business

Additional Meetings
  • Organize and preside over monthly College & House meetings with the college leaders

Vice President of Curriculum
David Gunderman, a white man in a blue shirt, red tie, and white lab coat

David Gunderman

  • Work closely with Vice President of Committee Affairs to oversee curricular committees including: CCSC, CCC, ASC, ACE, SCLC, FCC, SCC, CDW, and Threads.
  • Communicate important curricular issues to MSC and student body as needed.
  • Oversee creation and integration of new curricular committees as needed.
  • Act as point-of-contact for faculty, curricular committees, and Medical Student Council on relevant curricular issues.
  • Aid the other MSC executives in MSC business.

Vice President of Wellness
portrait of maddie gaines

Maddie Gaines

The student who holds the position of Chair of Wellness of the Wellness Coalition concurrently holds the position of Vice President of Wellness on the MSC Executive Board. Member will be fed through the established Wellness Coalition Executive Board and will not be elected in the Medical Student Council Elections.

  • attend all MSC executive meetings, monthly Dean’s meetings, and monthly MSC general body meetings.
  • Adhere to requirements of concurrent position on Wellness Coalition executive board.
  • Aid other MSC executives in MSC business.

Vice President of Service
A headshot of Ujwala Pamidimukkala

Ujwala Pamidimukkala

The student who holds the position of MSC liaison on the Medical Student Service Group executive board concurrently holds the position of Vice President of Service on the MSC Executive Board. Member will be fed through the established SLC executive board and will not be elected in the Medical Student Council Elections.

  • Attend all MSC executive meetings, monthly Dean’s meetings, and monthly MSC general body meetings.
  • Adhere to requirements of concurrent position on SLC executive board.
  • Aid other MSC executives in MSC business.     

Vice President of Finance
A headshot of Whitney Brown

Whitney Brown

Treasurer must be based in Indianapolis

  • Audit and balance MSC finances
  • Chair the Indianapolis Student Activities Fund Committee
  • Coordinate statewide funding committees to maintain communication about funding opportunities at each campus
  • Maintain Registered Student Organization status with IU Indianapolis and continuously update MSC student groups on IU School of Medicine and IU policy changes
  • Create a semesterly budget for the upcoming semester’s MSC funds. This budget must be voted on and approved once each semester at an MSC General Meeting by a majority of present MSC Voting Members. At the time of each vote, a current count and report of all MSC finances must also be given.
    • For the fall semester budget (July 1–December 31), this vote will occur in August
    • For the spring semester budget (January 1–June 30), this vote will occur in January
  • Aid the other MSC executives in MSC business.

Additional Meetings
  • Attend IU Indianapolis Registered Student Organization governance meetings 

Vice President of Communications
A picture of Vitoria Simas

Vitoria Simas

  • Record the live minutes of the MSC meetings
  • Publicize the agenda for each upcoming council meeting
  • Maintain an updated MSC roster consisting of the names and email addresses of council members, committee representatives and representatives of all recognized medical student organizations
  • Supervise the maintenance and updating of MSC electronic materials. This shall include, but is not limited to, uploading monthly meeting minutes, updating annual membership and contact information, updating student organization lists and contact information, and the MSC blog/newsletter
  • Notify council members of any change in the status of their voting privileges
  • Oversee the use of Daly bulletin board space
  • Aid the other MSC executives in MSC business

Additional Meetings
  • Any meeting where minutes are needed (see other positions)

Vice President of Diversity and Inclusion
A headshot of Khang Phan

Khang Phan

  • Must be a member of one or more of the established student affinity groups including Student National Medical Association, The Alliance, Asian Pacific American Medical Student Association, American Medical Women’s Association, and/or Latin Medical Student Association.
  • It is encouraged the student has been a member of one or more of these groups for at least a year, but not required. 
  • Must be in Phase 1 or Phase 2 of medical training.
  • Must have availability to complete at least 1-term as VP Diversity and Inclusion (Nov-Nov)
  • Must be elected by majority vote from the sitting executives boards of the student affinity groups including Student National Medical Association, The Alliance, Asian Pacific American Medical Student Association, American Medical Women’s Association, and Latin Medical Student Association.
  • Must be in good academic standing. 
  • May be from any campus.

  • Lead the Cross Cultural Collaboration
  • Serve as liaison between Medical Student Council and affinity groups
  • Support students with initiatives that promote DEI at IU School of Medicine
  • Maintain communication with all campuses 
  • Work towards creating spaces for BIPOC students and other minoritized students and  creating programming that teaches students to act as responsible allies
  • Attend all MSC executive meetings, monthly Dean’s meetings, and monthly MSC general body meetings.
  • Aid other MSC executives in MSC business.

Student Officers and Representatives

These leadership roles ensure student voices from all campuses and class years are represented.

Class Officers

Class officers represent their class for all four years of study at IU School of Medicine.

Class Year President Vice President Treasurer
2024 Makayla Morning Gabe San Roman Camilo Suescum
2025 Sam Philleo Holden Lawson Ahaan Singhal
2026 Mychael Spencer Jalyn Warren Nico Neher
2027 Jules Karasira Ebuka Ojukwu Makala Blakely

Organization of Student Representatives (OSRs)

According to the AAMC, “The role of OSR representatives is to monitor activities at their institutions, represent student opinions to the OSR Administrative Board (Ad Board), and relay national OSR and AAMC priorities to the students and staff of their institutions.”

OSRs at are elected by their class during first year and are responsible for fulfilling these duties for four years.

Class Year Representative
MSTP Representative Gloria Xue
2024 Chinade Roper
2025 Sam Philleo
2026 Ryan Bolda
2027 Erin O'Farrell

Regional Chairs

Campus Regional Chairs are elected by the student body present at their respective campus. There is at least one representative per campus for each phase. Representatives help organize social, volunteer and wellness activities for their campus. Regional Chairs are elected before the beginning of each new phase. Please reach out to the VP of Leadership with any questions.

Campus Phase 1 Year 1 Phase 1 Year 2 Phase 2 Phase 3
Bloomington Cole Hennigan
Karena Dhamecha
Emma C. Mazurek
Janak Mukherji
Samantha Ake
Maxwell Bohrer
Jay Chopra
Sierra Froehlich
Evansville Victoria Whichard
Ryan Sanders
Robert Helfric
Whitney Brown
Trenton Line
Libbie Silverman
Olivia Carlton
Victoria Rone
Fort Wayne Luke Boha
Sophie May
Gabbi Lutz
Katie Sherman
Kristen Pogue
Jay Fiechter
Ali Farhat
Sam Garrison
Indianapolis Geneva Frank
Catherine Milne
Stone Chen
Morgan Foley
Payal Patel
Mitchell Grecu
Devin Gatzios-Cros
Allison Higgs
Muncie Aaron Nanavaty Manav Patel
Rob Brenner
Maria Fernandez
Megan Peffley
Colton Southard-Goebel
Northwest-Gary Austin Clark
Danish Ghazali
Quen Deckbar
Kyra Colston
Antonio Presutti
Mugtaba Swar-Eldahab
Sai Kodukula
Megan Willoughby
South Bend Rilee Epley
Arya Narayanan
Cynthia Cahya
Alexander Smith
Cole Myers
Mackenzie Johnson
Maggie Holohan
Alissa Haas
Terre Haute Kayla Wrobleski
Leah Smith
Molly Barten
Cayden Sparks
Brianna Harvey
Brett Hopf
Melody Wickstrom
Katy Smeltzer
West Lafayette Victoria Pyle
Nathan Pairitz
Hugo Rodriguez
Megan Sullivan
Zane Holler
Katherine Li
John Sakaleros
Clare Gallagher