About Us

About Us

Interprofessional Education

Interprofessional education happens when students from different professions come together to learn, with, from, and about each other to improve the health and wellbeing of patients and populations through effective collaboration in practice. For instance, a patient meets with a nurse, their doctor, and a social worker during a single appointment to get to the root of their issue.

Here at IU IPE, we have created the interprofessional TEACH curriculum. TEACH is part of every future healthcare professional’s training and gives students the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviors needed to effectively collaborate with other health and social care professionals to create better overall health outcomes for those they serve.


Find information and resources about our interprofessional education offerings, resources for professionals, and professional development opportunities.

3650 Students participated in TEACH during Spring 2021
11 Partner Schools
280 Faculty Volunteers
72 Students have received the IPE Addictions Certificate

Our Mission

To develop a workforce across professions and communities to improve population and individual health outcomes. We train future health and social care professionals to work in high-quality relationship-centered, interprofessional care teams. We do this through programming designed to help students develop interprofessional collaborative practice competencies, including:

  • Understanding the roles and responsibilities of team members;
  • Collaborate across organizational structures to overcome implicit bias and professional hierarchy;
  • Communicate across professions and cultures;
  • Use specific tools to work together effectively.“

Immersive Opportunities

IU IPE’s innovative TEACH curriculum exposes students to environments outside of their own profession-specific education to experience working and collaborating with other professions. Developing their communication and team skills, enhancing their understanding of the roles each discipline plays in the health and wellbeing of individuals and populations, and developing the values and ethics for collaborative practice. Such engagement during their professional education program has been shown to enhance job satisfaction and result in better outcomes for patients and populations.

IPE Programming

The IU IPE programming options are not limited to the TEACH curriculum. Faculty and students are invited to participate in a variety of collaborative activities. Faculty development events further understanding of what interprofessional education is and how it transitions into interprofessional practice.

Our dynamic programming includes professional leadership development, Grand Rounds assemblies, workshops for current and future healthcare professionals, and Project ECHO sessions. We partner with other university stakeholders to create programming related to Precision Health, the IU IPE Certificate Series, and faculty development programs.