<p>More than 700 people from the United States, Canada, and seven other countries came to Indianapolis for the bi-annual Collaborating Across Borders (CAB) conference. Current and future healthcare professionals shared best practices, innovations, and emerging trends in interprofessional practice and education. Those in attendance were treated to keynote speakers from across many different aspects of [&hellip;]</p>

Collaborating Across Borders VII Wraps Up

Oct 25, 2019

More than 700 people from the United States, Canada, and seven other countries came to Indianapolis for the bi-annual Collaborating Across Borders (CAB) conference. Current and future healthcare professionals shared best practices, innovations, and emerging trends in interprofessional practice and education.

Those in attendance were treated to keynote speakers from across many different aspects of healthcare, management, and Indy Car. Sandwiched between interprofessional luminaries such as John Gilbert and Barbara Brandt,  organizational expert Eduardo Salas, and management author Amy Edmondson, the crowd was treated to stories highlighting how interprofessional practice is a concept utilized in every successful organization by Doug Boles, President of Indianapolis Motor Speedway and Allison Melangton, Senior Vice President of Events at Hulman Motorsports.

The conference lasted 3 days and featured over 350 presentations, workshops, panels, and posters. Of those, more than 60 were students who are forming what interprofessional collaborative practice will look like in the future. Students in attendance were invited to compete in poster and case study competitions which were followed by a networking session hosted by the Indiana University Interprofessional Practice and Education Center.

CAB VIII will be hosted by Laval University in Quebec in October 2021.

Media Contact

IU School of Medicine

Andrea Zeek

Filed under: CABVII