<p>The National Academies of Practice (NAP) recently took the time to host an interview with Dr. Laura Romito and Dr. April D. Newton from the Indiana University Interprofessional Practice and Education Center (IU IPE). The interview covers how NAP and IU IPE can use telehealth to expand collaborative healthcare while improving health outcomes for all [&hellip;]</p>

National Academies of Practice Spotlights IU IPE

Dec 10, 2020

The National Academies of Practice (NAP) recently took the time to host an interview with Dr. Laura Romito and Dr. April D. Newton from the Indiana University Interprofessional Practice and Education Center (IU IPE). The interview covers how NAP and IU IPE can use telehealth to expand collaborative healthcare while improving health outcomes for all involved and the role Indiana University plays in the expansion of interprofessional education.

When asked what role interprofessional education and research play at Indiana University, Dr. Newton said, “We really have, not one pandemic that is in play, but three…” in reference to COCID-19, global opioid abuse, and mental health issues “and Indiana University is very intertwined with all three.” Referencing the universities work on a COVID-19 vaccine, the Grand Challenge: Addictions, and work in the mental health field.

Dr. Romito added, “We’re preparing learners to work collaboratively, across professions and systems, and sectors, so that when they graduate, they’ll be ready for collaborative practice.”

Dr. Romito is a distinguished fellow of the NAP Dental Academy, Dr. Newton is a distinguished fellow of the Physical Therapy Academy.

You can watch the full interview below:


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IU School of Medicine

Andrea Zeek