<p style="margin-bottom: 0in;"><span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">The Indiana University Interprofessional Practice and Education Center (IU IPE) is excited to begin accepting submissions for the IU IPE Seed Grant Program (SGP).&nbsp;</span></p>

Seed Grant Submissions Open on July 11th

Jul 01, 2022

The Indiana University Interprofessional Practice and Education Center (IU IPE) is excited to begin accepting submissions for the IU IPE Seed Grant Program (SGP).

The SGP is worth up to $5,000 of matchable monies meant to provide faculty with funding, consultation, and support to develop and implement new educational programming into IU IPEs’ statewide TEACH curriculum. 

TEACH is offered to health and social care profession students across nine Indiana University campuses. This interactive programming engages students across multiple professions by creating opportunities that emulate real-world, team-based scenarios. By producing team-based curricula, students from different disciplines learn to collaborate while improving patient health outcomes.

“The Seed Grant Program supports faculty in developing and implementing new interprofessional education and collaborative practice experiences. These experiences can be tailored toward important and impactful activities for the participating health and social care learners. The SGP also allows programs to partner with IU IPE and combine expertise to develop quality learning experiences, assessment strategies, and scholarship opportunities. Finally, the program prioritizes the funding of initiatives that can help address Indiana’s health priorities.” – Dr. Zach Weber.

The first IU IPE SGP awardee was Dr. Margaret McNulty, whose submission, Development of the Medical Education OneHealth Workshop (MEOW) Event, is the first example of an IPE program affiliated with IU IPE that incorporates considerations of zoonotic illnesses, a broader One Health context, and veterinary medicine learners. This event is an excellent example of the type of new initiative created through this program, which can include opportunities to incorporate new topics and/or different learner groups into meaningful IPE experiences.

The IU IPE SGP is open to full-time Indiana University faculty (tenured, tenure track, and clinical track) from Schools represented by University Clinical Affairs and full-time faculty from partnering institutions who participate in TEACH. Faculty from partner institutions must partner with an eligible IU faculty member who will serve as principal investigator. Associate (part-time/adjunct) and visiting faculty may be included on proposals but may not serve as the principal investigator.

To apply for funding, faculty must submit applications to the IU IPE through the submission portal (https://go.iu.edu/4shi). Submissions must describe learning experiences involving students from at least two (2) professions participating in the TEACH curriculum.  The complete proposal evaluation criteria and submission guidelines list are available on the IU IPE SGP webpage.

Media Contact

IU School of Medicine

Rory Appleton

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