Every month of 2022, IU IPE is going to take a look back at three things which highlight our Department’s work and team members accomplishments.

Three from IU IPE

Feb 04, 2022

Every month of 2022, IU IPE is going to take a look back at three things which highlight our Department’s work and team members accomplishments.

1. TEACH returns for Spring 2022

One January 13th, IU IPE held it’s first event of the Spring 2022 semester. Over 80 students made their way into IUPUI’s Hine Hall to take part in an Immersion 1 opportunity. During this hour and forty-five minute event, six facilitators helped our learners take a deep look at how they interact with each other and with their patients as they continued down the path toward collaborative care.

2. Dr. Brittany Daulton Published IU IPE’s Director of Evaluation, Dr. Brittany Daulton collaborated with others on a study of nursing students. The paper, published in Vol 1 Issue 1 of Nurses Forum, was meant to examine if an educational intervention could be effective for improving collaborative habits amongst prelicensure nursing students.

“Students reported the highest level of agreements wit the statement that ‘all voices on the ream are heard and valued’”

The paper can be found at the following link: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/nuf.12655

3. Dr. Barbara Maxwell interviewed The IU School of Dentistry interviewed the Director of IU IPE, Dr. Barbara Maxwell in their faculty newsletter. Dr. Maxwell was asked about the future direction of IU IPE and what we hope to accomplish. You can read the interview on page 7 of Volume 10, Issue 1 of Office of Faculty Affairs.

You can find the publication online by following this link: https://go.iu.edu/4gAW

Media Contact

IU School of Medicine

Rory Appleton

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