<span>On May 26<sup>th,</sup> the Indiana University Interprofessional Practice and Education Center (IU IPE) teamed up with the IU Center for Rural Engagement and other community leaders to present the IU Interagency and Interprofessional Education Initiative&nbsp;</span>

IU Interagency and Interprofessional Education Initiative Summer 2022 Event

Jun 21, 2022
 Nick Voyles demonstrates Naloxone use.

On May 26th, the Indiana University Interprofessional Practice and Education Center (IU IPE) teamed up with the IU Center for Rural Engagement and other community leaders to present the IU Interagency and Interprofessional Education Initiative (IIEI).

This event was attended by over 50 students from the IU Schools of Social Work, Education, Nursing, and IU Police Cadets. They spent their day working through a series of workshops designed to confront issues presented in their chosen professions.

Members of IU faculty and staff like Dr. April D. Newton, Deborah Getz, Sergeant Pablo Pesa, and Nick Voyles were joined by Indiana Center for Recovery’s Jackie Daniels and consultant Eric Harris as presenters covering the issues of substance use disorder, the administration of Narcan, transfer of care, and human trafficking. Sessions had the stated goal of fostering interprofessionalism amongst attendees and recognizing signs of and responding to instances of opioid addiction, substance overdose, or instances of trafficking within the scope of their roles and responsibilities.

Once attendees registered, there were assigned seats with those from different professions to create interprofessional groups. The workshop sessions started with a facilitator giving background information and setting scenarios. Students were then asked to discuss relevant topics and work through scenarios with those in their assigned groups. They were then called upon to share the results of their conversations with all attendees. At times, it was as if the presenters became emcees while students spoke about the discussions held within their group.

The IIEI began as a part of the Grand Challenge: Responding to the Addictions Crisis and was formally known as the Grand Challenge Cadet Training Program. The IIEI will hold future sessions, which will be announced through the IU Center of Rural Engagement and IU IPE websites and social media.            

Media Contact

IU School of Medicine

Rory Appleton

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